Confirmation of Enrolment Form

Information for students studying in Canada

The Confirmation of Enrolment Form is for students planning to attend a school IN Canada. The Confirmation of Enrolment form is used to:

  • confirm that you have enrolled in and started classes;
  • update and/or confirm the information on your income that you provided on your OSAP application;
  • authorize the release of the second portion of your funding halfway through your study period;
  • maintain previous Canada Student Loans, Ontario Student Loans and/or Canada-Ontario Integrated Student Loans in interest-free status.

Before any of your funding can be released, your Confirmation of Enrolment form must be completed by you and your school.

How to Complete the Form

OSAP will send your Confirmation of Enrolment form to your school’s financial aid office. It will be at the beginning of your study period, after you have enrolled in and started classes.

The financial aid office must fill out and sign the "Confirmation of Enrolment" section to confirm that you are in school and attending classes.

You must fill out the "Confirmation of Income" section to confirm your income. Specifically you will be asked to indicate in the amount of gross income you actually received during your pre-study period (you estimated this amount when you filled out your OSAP application). In addition, if you believe that the gross income that you expect to receive while you are in school will change, you can indicate the new amount at this time. You may be required to provide supporting documentation (e.g. pay stubs or a letter from your employer). If there are changes in your income, the new income amounts will be used to recalculate the amount of your funding.


    The Confirmation of Enrolment form must be received by OSAP 30 days before the end of your study period. OSAP funding will not be released after the end of your study period.