OSAP User Agreement

Before you can apply online for OSAP assistance and/or the Ontario Learn and Stay Grant, you must register as a new user to the OSAP website. When you register, you will be asked to provide basic personal information for your personal profile on your OSAP account. This information includes your name, date of birth, gender, contact information, Social Insurance Number (SIN) and other identification numbers (e.g., your Ontario Education Number (OEN)), if you have them.

Once you provide the necessary information, your OSAP Access Number (OAN) will be generated. Your OAN will be your user identification for the OSAP website. You will use your OAN, along with the password that you created, each time you access the OSAP website. This will include accessing the OSAP website for activities related to the Ontario Learn and Stay Grant.

To start your registration process, read the terms and conditions set out in this OSAP New User Registration Agreement. You will be asked to indicate that you have read and agree to all of the terms and conditions.

Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

The ministry may collect, use and disclose your personal information to administer OSAP under the authority of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.19, as amended, and R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 774, R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 775, O. Reg. 268/01, O. Reg. 282/13, O. Reg. 70/17, O. Reg 768/20, and O. Reg 82/23 made under the Act, as amended.

The ministry will disclose your name, date of birth, gender and SIN to Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) to verify that the personal information you have provided matches the personal information contained in the Social Insurance Registration Office.

When you apply for OSAP assistance and/or the Ontario Learn and Stay Grant, the information from your OSAP personal profile will be used to automatically populate your application. The ministry may ask you to enter additional information that may be added to your personal profile. Any subsequent OSAP and/or Ontario Learn and Stay Grant application(s) that you submit will include information from your updated personal profile. The notice on the application will explain how the ministry intends to use and disclose all personal information requested as part of that application. If you have any questions about the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information you can contact the Director, Student Financial Assistance Branch, Ministry of Colleges and Universities, PO Box 4500, 189 Red River Road, 4th Floor, Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7B 6G9; 807-343-7260.

Consent to Collection, and Disclosure of Personal Information

I agree that:

  • The ministry can disclose my name, date of birth, gender and SIN to ESDC and indirectly collect and exchange personal information about me with ESDC to verify that the personal information I have provided matches the personal information contained in the Social Insurance Registration Office. This verification is solely for the purpose of confirming the accuracy of my identification information for the creation of and subsequent updates to my personal profile.
  • The information contained within my personal profile will be used to populate any OSAP and/or Ontario Learn and Stay Grant application(s) that I submit.
  • When I provide additional personal information in connection with an OSAP and/or Ontario Learn and Stay Grant application(s), the information may be added to my personal profile. Any subsequent OSAP and/or Ontario Learn and Stay Grant application(s) that I may submit will include information from my updated personal profile.
  • The ministry and/or one of its authorized third party administrators such as financial aid office staff at a postsecondary school will have access to the information contained within my personal profile, and can change information based on direction that I provide.

Updates to Personal Profile Information

I agree that:

  • I am responsible for ensuring that my personal profile information is up to date.
  • I will update my personal profile information where there is a change to my personal information that I can update myself, such as an address change.
  • I will request a change in writing to either the ministry, its contractors, agents, or other authorized third party administrators for personal information that I cannot update myself (for example, name change).
  • I may be asked to provide documentation to the ministry, its contractors, agents, or one of its authorized third party administrators to support specific changes to information contained within my personal profile (for example, name change).