2011 Loan Default Rates
The 2011 default rates reflect the repayment status of students who were issued Ontario Student Loans in the 2008-2009 academic year and completed or exited their studies by 2009-2010. For purpose of calculating institutional default rates, student loan recipients/defaulters are assigned to the last institution/program they attended in 2008-2009. The status of these loans was assessed as of July 2011 or about two years after the student exited full-time studies.
You can learn more on this website about how 2011 default rates work.
- Ontario Student Loan Recipients and Defaults for Ontario Postsecondary Institutions, 2011 and 2010 [PDF version]
- Ontario Student Loan Recipients and Defaults by Student Characteristics for Ontario Postsecondary Institutions, 2011 [PDF version]
- Ontario Student Loan Recipients and Defaults for Ontario Universities, 2011 and 2010 [PDF version]
- Ontario Student Loan Recipients and Defaults by Program for Ontario Universities, 2011 [PDF version]
- Ontario Student Loan Recipients and Defaults for Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology, 2011 and 2010 [PDF version]
- Ontario Student Loan Recipients and Defaults by Program for Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology, 2011 [PDF version]
- Ontario Student Loan Recipients and Defaults for Private Career Colleges in Ontario, 2011 and 2010 [PDF version]
- Ontario Student Loan Recipients and Defaults by Program for Private Career Colleges in Ontario, 2011 [PDF version]
- Ontario Student Loan Recipients and Defaults for Other Private and Public Institutions, 2011 and 2010 [PDF version]
- Ontario Student Loan Recipients and Defaults by Program for Other Public and Private Institutions in Ontario, 2011 [PDF version]