Bursary for Students with Disabilities (BSWD) and
Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment – Students with Disabilities (CSG-DSE)
The Bursary for Students with Disabilities (BSWD) and the Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment – Students with Disabilities (CSG-DSE) help eligible full-time and part-time students pay for disability-related services and equipment needed to participate in postsecondary studies.
By submitting a BSWD/CSG-DSE application, you may receive funding to assist with the costs of the eligible disability-related educational services and equipment you need, such as note-takers, tutors, or assistive technology, while you’re in postsecondary studies.
How much can I get
The amount of funding you may receive depends on the costs of the eligible disability-related educational services and equipment you need.
- If you have a permanent disability or a persistent or prolonged disability you may be considered for funding from the BSWD and the CSG-DSE.
The maximum funding per academic year is:
- BSWD: $2,000
- CSG-DSE: $20,000
Each eligible service or equipment request is considered based on your specific disability-related functional limitations. Information provided by your health care provider (physician or other regulated health care professional) and/or from the Office for Students with Disabilities at your school (if applicable) is used to determine what eligible costs may be funded.
You may be provided funding for all or a portion of the costs of the eligible services or equipment requested. Approved funding for eligible items is subject to maximum limits, so it is possible that not all your costs will be covered.
About service and equipment purchases
Not all disability-related services and equipment are eligible for funding. This includes purchases made before your BSWD/CSG-DSE application is approved (e.g., your school may offer the service or equipment at no charge, or it may not be included in the recommended accommodations you need).
Equipment purchased more than 60 days before your study period start will not be eligible for either BSWD or CSG-DSE.
For students with a learning disability, the costs of a psycho-educational assessment may be eligible for BSWD and/or CSG-DSE. To be considered, your assessment must have taken place no more than 6 months before your study start date. Contact your financial aid office for details.
Who is eligible
For the BSWD:
- You’ve self-identified as having a permanent or a persistent or prolonged disability and your status as a person with a disability has been verified through required supporting documentation for OSAP purposes.
- You’ve applied and are eligible for funding from one of the following sources:
- OSAP for Full-Time Students and have at least $1 in calculated provincial need; or
- OSAP for Part-Time Students and are receiving an Ontario Part-Time Grant; or
- an Institution-Funded Special Bursary (students at public universities and colleges in Ontario only).
For the CSG-DSE
- You’ve self-identified as having a permanent disability or a persistent or prolonged disability and your status as a person with a disability has been verified through required supporting documentation for OSAP purposes.
- You’ve applied and are eligible for funding from one of the following sources:
- OSAP for Full-Time Students and have at least $1 in calculated federal need; or
- OSAP for Part-Time Students.
- students in micro-credential studies are not eligible for the BSWD and/or CSG-DSE.
How to apply
The BSWD/CSG-DSE application outlines the supporting documents required. It also outlines who to contact if you need help in completing your application.
If you’re going to school in 2022-23
Use the 2022-23 Ontario Bursary for Students with Disabilities (BSWD) and Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment – Students with Disabilities (CSG-DSE) application. This application is available in .pdf format.
If you’re going to school in 2021-22:
Use the 2021-22 Ontario Bursary for Students with Disabilities (BSWD) and Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment for Students with Permanent Disabilities (CSG-PDSE) application. This application is available in .pdf and HTML formats.
After you apply
Your application is assessed for eligibility and to determine the most efficient and cost-effective means of providing the eligible services and equipment you need. The Office for Students with Disabilities at your school and/or the Ministry of Colleges and Universities’ Student Financial Assistance Branch may be involved in the assessment of your application. Your financial aid office will check to ensure that your application is complete.
Contact your financial aid office if you have any questions about the status of your application.
Your application must be received by your financial aid office no later than 60 days before the end of your study period.
All required documents must be received by your financial aid office no later than 40 days before the end of your study period.
Receipts (electronic or original) for each approved item are due by the end of your study period. See After you get your funding for details.
Getting your funding
Your enrollment must be confirmed by your school before funding is released. No funds are released until on, or after, your study period start date.
Normally funding is issued by cheque. It may be issued in one or more installments. Check with your financial aid office for details.
After you get your funding
Services and/or equipment approved for BSWD and/or CSG-DSE funding must be purchased before the end of your study period.
You must provide receipts (electronic or original) as proof of purchase for these services and/or equipment. If you were approved for certain services (e.g., tutoring, note-taking), you must also provide a time log that matches the receipts provided.
You may be required to repay all or part of the funding you receive and your eligibility for further funding from OSAP and/or BSWD/CSG-DSE could be impacted if:
- You don’t purchase your services and/or equipment before the end of your study period.
- Your receipts don’t match the amount(s) corresponding to your approved services and/or equipment.